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Let's get started with a input/output program!

  1. Login to your Repl.It account.
  2. Click on: Languages
  3. In the Popular section choose: Java: A concurrent, class-based, statically typed object-oriented language.
  4. Click the pencil icon next to your repl name.
  5. In the Default name: input box type: InputOutput
  6. Delete all the lines of code provided as an example.
  7. Copy the InputOutput.java Template (Java) code (below)
  8. Paste that code into your new InputOutput class in the editor
  9. Change the @author put-your-username-here
  10. Replace the blank on the
    line with:
  11. After the
    // add a line here to output a message advising the user to enter 9999 to exit
    comment line add:
    System.out.println( "Enter '9999' to exit" ); // informs user how to exit
  12. Replace the blank after the
    if (num == 9999) {
    line with:
  13. Replace the blank on the
    if ()
    line with:
    cnt > 0
  14. Replace the blank on the
    ave =
    line with:
    sum / (double) cnt;
  15. Replace the blank after the
    } else {
    line with:
    ave = 0;
  16. Click the Run icon

InputOutput.java Template (Java)

 * File: InputOutput.java
 * Write a program that accepts 10 integers from the keyboard and
 * computes their average.
 * If the user enters 9999, the program exits early, and outputs
 * the average of the numbers entered so far.
 * Fill in the blanks to make the program work 
 * @author put-your-name-here 

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {  
  public static void main( String args[] ) {
    double ave = 0, cnt = 0, num = 0, sum = 0;
    Scanner sc = new _____________;
    System.out.println("Integer Averaging Program"); 
    System.out.println("Enter 10 Integers");
    // add a line here to output a message advising the user to enter 9999 to exit
    ______________ // prompt the user for up to 10 integers
    for ( int i = 1; i < 11; i++ ) {
      System.out.print("Enter Integer " + i + ": ");
      // check if the user entered a non-integer
      if (!sc.hasNextInt()) {
        // System.err will print the message in RED
        System.err.println("Sorry, please enter an integer");
      num = sc.nextInt();
      // break out of the loop if the exit code (9999) is entered
      if (num == 9999) { 
      sum = (double) sum + (double) num;
    // check to make sure the count is not set to zero since you can not divide by zero
    if (__________ ) { 
      ave = _____________;
    } else { 
      // if the count is zero then the program sets the average equal to zero
    System.out.println("The average of " 
        + cnt 
        + " numbers is "
        + ave );

InputOutput Class Output

Integer Averaging Program
Enter 10 Integers
Enter 9999 to exit
Enter Integer 1: k
Sorry, please enter an integer
Enter Integer 1: 55
Enter Integer 2: 66
Enter Integer 3: 77
Enter Integer 4: 88
Enter Integer 5: 9999
The average of 4.0 numbers is 71.5