People in WNY

Trying to track down an old friend? We're building a user-generated database of people in (or originally from!) the Western New York area. Enter a name below to search for e-mail address, town of residence, and other supplied information.

HINT: Use the * wildcard for better results. p*bunyan will match Paul Bunyan, Pablo Bunyan and Happy Bunyanovich.

We need your help to build this database! Please fill out the information below -- none of the data will be used for any purpose other than the on-line search.

Things that we need for the search

Your Name: Your E-mail Address (if applicable): Your City of Residence:

Optional Information About Yourself

Your Hometown: Where You Work: What You Do: Home Page (FULL URL!): Hobbies? Etc:

Free Home Page For Your Business!


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