Information Technology (BU 132) Fall 2015
Trocaire College
Course Description
This course includes practical applications of microcomputers through the use of software packages. Topics include an overview of microcomputer hardware and the operating system, an overview of application software including expected features, comparative analysis and integration. Hands-on experience with major software packages provides experience in the use of the operating system, a major spreadsheet package, a major word processing package and a major presentation package. Database concepts and Web Design will also be introduced.
Prerequisite Coursework: N/A
Instructor Information
Name: Jim Gerland
Office: RJS-201
Office Hours: Tuesdays 6:00-6:30pm School of Hospitality & Business RJS-201
or by appointment
Office Phone/Voice Mail: 827-2557
Email: (The best
way to reach me)
Course Identification
Credit Hours: 1
Course meeting times: Tuesdays 6:30pm - 9:20pm (School of Hospitality & Business RJS-201)
Expected Student Outcomes
- Define and explain fundamental terms and concepts related to computer technology
- Gain familiarity with the basic hardware of a typical PC
- Use MS Windows
- Learn to use Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access
- Understand and use the Internet
- Integrate the above software
Course schedule is subject to change
Monday 6:30pm - 9:20pm (RJS Business School)
Course schedule is subject to change
Week | Date | Topics | Lab | Assignments |
1 | August 25 | No Class Course Introduction Intro to Computers Office 2010 and Windows 7 |
3 | Brief Intro Profile Picture |
2 | September 1 | Word Chapter 1 | 2 | Brief Intro Due |
3 | September 8 | Word Chapter 2 | 2 | Research Paper |
4 | September 15 | Word Chapter 3 | 3 | Résumé/Cover Letter 2 Due |
5 | September 22 | Excel Chapter 1 | 1 | Spreadsheet Research Paper Due |
6 | September 29 | Excel Chapter 2 | 1 | |
7 | October 6 | Excel Chapter 3 | 3 | |
8 | October 13 | Columbus Day, No Class | ||
9 | October 20 | PowerPoint Chapter 1 | 3 | Spreadsheet Due |
10 | October 27 | PowerPoint Chapter 2 | 1 | Slide Show |
11 | November 3 | PowerPoint Chapter 3 | 1 | |
12 | November 10 | Access Chapter 1 | 1 | |
13 | November 17 | Web Design HTML/CSS | Web Page | |
14 | November 24 | Web Design Tables | Table Page | Slide Show Due |
15 | December 1 | Web Design Forms | Form Page | Work on Final Presenation |
16 | December 8 | Final Presentations Last day of class Attendence is required |
Office 2010 Introductory
ISBN: 978-1-4390-7838-9
Student Data files jrg
* USB Flash Drive is highly recommended
* Access to a computer with Microsoft Office 2007/2010/2013 is required
Assignment | Points |
Brief Intro | 3 |
Résumé | 10 |
Research Paper | 10 |
Household Budget | 10 |
Slide Show | 10 |
Home Web Page | 5 |
Table Web Page | 5 |
Form Web Page | 5 |
Multimedia Web Page | 5 |
In Class Labs | 10 |
Moodle Forums/In-Class Participation | 11 |
Presentation | 25 |
Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress
All assignments are due at the start of class. They must be submitted in the appropriate Moodle drop folder. Late assignments will lose one (1) point per week overdue.
Assignments are to be professionally prepared, documented, cited, and organized. Proofread and spell-check all assignments, include your name, date, course number and description of the assignment.
Extra Credit
Some assignments have an opportunity for one (1) point extra credit.
Trocaire College Grading Scale
Letter Grade | Total Points |
A | 95 - 100 |
A- | 92 - 94 |
B+ | 89 - 91 |
B | 85 - 88 |
B- | 82 - 84 |
C+ | 79 - 81 |
C | 75 - 78 |
C- | 72 - 74 |
D+ | 69 - 71 |
D | 65 - 68 |
F | 64 - 0 |
| Brief Intro | Résumé | Research Paper | Household Budget | Slide Show | Database | Presentation |
Brief Introduction & Profile Picture
Post an introduction about yourself in the "Brief Introduction" forum. Please include how you would rate yourself with technology, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Windows, etc. I think it would be good to know whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or advanced user of each of these areas. Also, please post a picture of yourself. If you don't already have your Trocaire ID card with your photo then you should also stop at Security. This will help me get to know you.
Résumé & Cover Letter
For this assignment you will create two (2) Word documents. You will identify a job you are interested in and create a professionally formatted cover addressed to the HR person at the company you are submitting your résumé to. Your cover letter should include the position you are interested in and a few paragraphs detailing why you think you are qualified for this position. You will also create a professional résumé using one of the available Word templates. Make sure you check your grammar and spelling for both documents.
Research Paper
For this assignment your will use a paper or writing project from a previous course. If you don't have one then you will need to create a new one based on your field of interest. You will format your paper to meet MLA Standards. In addition to using the appropriate font and paragraph styles, this includes:
- A title page with a running header (with your name and research topic title) and footer (with page numbers)
- Abstract
- Main Body (at least 2 pages)
- References page with at least two properly formatted references
- At least two properly formatted in text citations
Extra Credit: Include at least one (1) figure and one (1) table.
Household Budget
For this assignment you will create an Excel spreadsheet detailing your household budget. This spreadsheet should include:
- At least 5 categories (utilities, food, rent, etc.)
- One year (12 months)
- Totals for each month and for the year
- Average of each budget item for year
- Format items and column headings and spreadsheet title
- A chart detailing budget items by month on a separate sheet
Extra Credit: Format your data as a table and apply conditional formatting on totals and averages.
Slide Show
For this assignment you will create a PowerPoint slide show based on your research paper or some other topic related to your field of study or intended career. This slide show should include:
- An opening title slide with appropriate information
- An agenda or topic summary slide
- At lease five (5) slides
- A closing slide
- A template or theme (colors, etc.)
- A few images
- Hyperlinks to your sources/references
Extra Credit: Include an appropriate video, word document, or table from an Excel spreadsheet.
For this assignment you will create a simple database using an available template. You should enter at least 10 records. Then verify that any forms and reports work and display the correct information.
Final Presentation
For this assignment you will create a slide show based on some feature or set of features in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Access. This slide show should include:
- An opening title slide with appropriate information
- An agenda or topic summary slide
- At lease five (5) slides
- A closing slide
- A template or theme (colors, etc.)
- A few images
- Hyperlinks to your sources/references
You will have 15 minutes to present your slide show to the class. You should be prepared to take questions from the class.
Classroom Policies and Procedures
Attendance Policy
Class attendance is required at all times. If you must miss a class please talk with the instructor. There are no make-up opportunities for assignments or tests.
Cheating or plagiarism will not be tolerated. If detected, the following procedure will be followed:
- A failing grade of F or 0% will be entered for the test or other educational activity in question.
- If the activity is a major test, the student will be assigned a failing grade for the course, mid term or final.
- The College system for reporting cheating or plagiarism will be followed. See Student Handbook.
Ethical Conduct
Each student is responsible for adhering to the Code of Student Conduct as stated in the student handbook. Students involved in any unethical activities in the class are subjected to discipline at the instructor’s discretion. Students are responsible for completion of assigned work. As would be expected of workers in any work environment, students are expected to work independently, to use their initiative in solving problems, and to have professional pride in their work.
Disabilities and Health Issues
Students with disability issues which might make it difficult to complete any assignment, activity or test required in the course should notify the instructor as soon as possible so that appropriate arrangements can be made.