Guide to PHP and MySQL (University at Buffalo Version)
I developed this guide as a way to present the PHP language and MySQL database to an advanced web design course. While teaching "Web Programming II" (CDA216) for the Department of Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering at the University at Buffalo and "Programming for the Web Environment II" (CIS475) at Buffalo State University for many semesters I have researched and used quite a few different PHP/MySQL textbooks. Most of these textbooks covered the PHP/MySQL topics well enough but they tended to be written with a general audience in mind. I needed to supplement these textbooks with numerous lecture notes specific to the localhost web server environment. Throughout this guide I will use the localhost
web server in the examples. You will need to contact your web server support for specific setting for your web server hosting provider.
These courses have knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as pre-requisites. In reality, about 25% of my students each semester were at the beginning level and the rest were at a more advanced level already.
This guide is intended for you to learn the PHP language and MySQL syntax.
Visit the Let's Get Started! page.
You may also want to visit my Guide to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Guide to Object Oriented Programming with Java, Guide to Oracle SQL, and Guide to Python sites.