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Let's get started with a multiple classes application!

  1. Open Eclipse
  2. Right-Click on your edu.buffalostate.cis425.fa10.exercises..your-username
  3. Choose: File -> New -> class
  4. In the Name: textbox type: BSC_Course
  5. Click: Finish
  6. Copy the Template (Java) code (below)
  7. Paste that code into your new BSC_Course class in the editor
  8. Change both occurrences of put-your-username-here
  9. Replace the blanks on these lines
    bsc.addStudent("________", "________", 3); // Populate bsc
    bsc.addStudent("________", "________", 3); // Populate bsc
    bsc.findStudent("________").addGrade(1, 100); // Search records and modify
    bsc.findStudent("________").addGrade(1, 60);

    and theses lines:
    System.out.println(bsc.findStudent("________").getName() + " (" + bsc.findStudent("________").getID()
    + ") has a grade of: " + bsc.findStudent("________").getGrade(1) + " on exam 1");
    System.out.println(bsc.findStudent("________").getName() + " (" + bsc.findStudent("________").getID()
    + ") has a grade of: " + bsc.findStudent("________").getGrade(1) + " on exam 1");
    System.out.println("Class average for exam 1: " + bsc.computeAverage(1)); // calculate and print output to terminal

    with two (2) unique IDs and student names
  10. Choose: File -> New -> class
  11. In the Name: textbox type: BSC_Student
  12. Click: Finish
  13. Copy the Template (Java) code (below)
  14. Paste that code into your new BSC_Student class in the editor
  15. Change both occurrences of put-your-username-here
  16. Choose: File -> New -> class
  17. In the Name: textbox type: Student
  18. Click: Finish
  19. Copy the Template (Java) code (below)
  20. Paste that code into your new Student class in the editor
  21. Change both occurrences of put-your-username-here
  22. Click the BSC_Course tab
  23. Run icon Template (Java)

package edu.buffalostate.cis425.fa10.exercises..put-your-username-here;

 * File:
 * Description: This class creates a bsc_Course 
 * object which contains student records which can be 
 * modified
 * Fill in the blanks to make the program work 
 * @author put-your-name-here 
public class BSC_Course {
  private BSC_Student roster[];
  private int student_num, counter = 0;
   * BSC_Course() constructor creates a Course object which
   * is comprised of an array of BSC_Student objects
   * @param capacity int -- the given class size
  public BSC_Course( int capacity ) {
    roster = new BSC_Student[capacity];
    student_num = capacity;
  } // end BSC_Course()
   * addStudent() adds a student record to the roster array
   * @param name string -- student name
   * @param num_exams Int -- number of exams
   * @return boolean true/false
  public boolean addStudent( String id, String name, int num_exams ) {
    if (counter != student_num) {
      BSC_Student newStudent = new BSC_Student(id, name, num_exams);
      roster[counter] = newStudent;
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;
  } // end addStudent()
   * findStudent() searches the roster array for
   * a student record
   * @param id string -- student's id
   * @return object -- student
  public BSC_Student findStudent( String id ) {
    for (int i = 0; i < student_num; i++) {
      if (roster[i].getID() == id) {
        return roster[i];
    return null;
  } // end findStudent()

   * computeAverage()
   * @param exam int -- exam number
   * @return double -- average for exam
  public double computeAverage( int exam ) {
    double temp_grades = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++) {
      temp_grades += roster[i].getGrade(exam);
    return temp_grades / counter;
  } // end computeAverage()
   * main()
   * @param args string array of command line arguments
  public static void main( String args[] ) {   
    BSC_Course bsc = new BSC_Course (30); // Declares a new bsc_Course object
    bsc.addStudent("________", "________", 3); // Populate bsc
    bsc.addStudent("________", "________", 3); // Populate bsc
    bsc.findStudent("________").addGrade(1, 100); // Search records and modify
    bsc.findStudent("________").addGrade(1, 60);
    // modifications made here which print each student and their grade for exam 1
    + " (" + bsc.findStudent("________").getID() + 
    ") has a grade of: "
      + bsc.findStudent("________").getGrade(1) + " on exam 1");
    + " (" + bsc.findStudent("________").getID() + 
    ") has a grade of: "
      + bsc.findStudent("________").getGrade(1) + " on exam 1");
    System.out.println("Class average for exam 1: " 
    + bsc.computeAverage(1)); // calculate and print output to terminal
  } // end main()
} // end bsc_Course class Template (Java)

package edu.buffalostate.cis425.fa10.exercises..put-your-username-here;

 * File:
 * Description: Defines the BSC_Student class which 
 * inherits from Student
 * Fill in the blanks to make the program work 
 * @author put-your-name-here 
public class BSC_Student extends Student {
  private int exam_array[];
  private int exam_count;
   * BSC_Student() constructor creates a student object
   * @param id string -- the student's id
   * @param name string -- the student's name
   * @param num_exams int -- the number of exams
  public BSC_Student( String id, String name, int num_exams) {
    super(id, name);
    exam_array = new int [num_exams];
    exam_count = num_exams;
  } // end BSC_Student()
   * addGrade() adds grades to a given student.
   * @param exam int -- the exam number
   * @param grade int -- the grade of the exam
  public boolean addGrade( int exam, int grade ) {
    if ((exam_array[exam] >= 0) && (exam_array[exam] <= exam_count)) {
      exam_array[exam] = grade;
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;
  } // end addGrade()
   * getGrade() retrieves the grade at a specific location
   * in the exam_array
   * @param exam int -- the exam to be checked
  public int getGrade( int exam ) {
    if ((exam_array[exam] >= 0) || (exam_array[exam] <= exam_count)) {
      return exam_array[exam];
    } else {
    	return -1;
  } // end getGrade()

  public String getName() {
        return super.getName();
    } // end getName()

    public String getID() {
        return super.getID();
    } // end getID()
    public int getCount(){
        return exam_count;
    } // end getCount()
} // end bsc_Student class Template (Java)

package edu.buffalostate.cis425.fa10.exercises..put-your-username-here;

 * File:
 * Description: This class defines the student class
 * @author put-your-name-here 
public class Student {
  private String id, name;

   * Constructor, set name of student
   * @param name string -- student name
  public Student( String id, String name ) {
  } // end Student()

   * return name of student
   * @return name string -- student name
  public String getName() {
  } // end getName()

   * set name of student
   * @param name string -- student name
  public void setName(String name){ = name;
  } // end setName()

   * return id of student
   * @return id string -- student id
  public String getID() {
  } // end getID()

   * set id of student
   * @param id string -- student id
  public void setID(String id){ = id;
} // end Student class

BSC_Course Class Output

Sally Smarty (B0000001) has a grade of: 100 on exam 1
Phil Phailure (B0000002) has a grade of: 60 on exam 1
Class average for exam 1: 80.0