Right-Click on your edu.buffalostate.cis425.fa10.exercises..your-username
Choose: File -> new -> other
Choose: WindowBuilder -> Swing Designer -> JFrame
In the Name: textbox type: HelloGUI
Check the public static void main(String[] args) checkbox
Click: Finish
Click the Design tab
Click on the JPanel icon
In the Frame -> Properties window, change the Title to: Hello World App
Move your cursor into the Frame and click the mouse button to place the panel inside the frame
In the Properties window, change the Layout drop-down to: Absolute
Click on the JLabel icon
Move your cursor into the Frame and click the mouse button to place the label inside the panel
Change the new Label to: Name:
Click on the JTextField icon
Move your cursor into the Frame and click the mouse button to place the textbox next to the Name: label
In the Properties window, change the Variable to: nameStr
Click on the JTextField icon
Move your cursor into the Frame and click the mouse button to place the textbox below the Name: label and textbox
In the Properties window, change the Variable to: outStr
In the Properties window, change the Columns to: 30
Click on the JButton icon
Move your cursor into the Frame and click the mouse button to place the button next to the Name: label and textbox
In the Properties window, change the variable to: clickBtn
In the Properties window, change the text to: Click Me!
Right-click on the JButton next to the Name: textfield
Choose: Add Event Handler -> Action -> Action Performed
When the Source window opens, after this line: public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
add this line: outStr.setText("Hello " + nameStr.getText() + "!");