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Guide to Object-oriented Programming With Java (University at Buffalo Version)


I developed this guide as a way to present Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts using the Java programming language a 400-level course. While teaching "Object Oriented-Programming With Java" (CIS425) for at Buffalo State University (and Java Programming (CSE113) for the Computer Science Department at the University at Buffalo) for a few semesters I have researched and used quite a few different Java/OOP textbooks. Most of these textbooks covered the Java language OOP concepts well enough but they tended to be written with a general audience in mind. I needed to supplement these textbooks with numerous lecture notes on using the Eclipse IDE as their code development environment.

Knowledge of OOP and C++ are pre-requisites for the course. I needed to find a textbook and create notes aimed at an intermediate level programming student. In reality, about 20% of my students each semester were at a beginning OOP understanding and the rest were at a more advanced level already.

This guide is intended for you to learn the Java language and OOP concepts.

Visit the Let's Get Started! page.

You may also want to visit one of my other guide web sites: Guide to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Guide to PHP & MySQL, Guide to Oracle SQL.

Show DivChapter 1: Setting Up Your Eclipse Environment

Show DivChapter 2: Your First Java Program

Show DivChapter 3: Naming Packages and Classes

Show DivChapter 4: Java Language Structures

Show DivChapter 5: Java Data Types

Show DivChapter 6: Java Accepting and Displaying Data

Show DivChapter 7: Some Basic Java Concepts

Show DivChapter 8: Java Conditionals

Show DivChapter 9: Using Loops

Show DivChapter 10: Working With Classes

Show DivChapter 11: Java Exceptions and Error Logging

Show DivChapter 12: Working With Files

Show DivChapter 13: JUnit Testing and Using the Debug Tool

Show DivChapter 14: Working With the MySQL Database

Show DivChapter 15: Working With Java and a MySQL Database

Show DivChapter 16: Using java.awt and javax.swing to Create GUI Applications

Show DivChapter 17: Using WindowBuilder to Create GUI Applications

Show DivChapter 18: Useful Links, Tips & Resources

Let's Get Started Exercises

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Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Copyright © 2016-2024 Jim Gerland